Friday 27 September 2013

The Hamakua

The weather report last night wasn't all too encouraging: rain-rain-showers-wet. All good -- it's Hawai`i at its best, but maybe a bit off-putting for those who like the sun peeking through from time to time.

But, they (weather folk) lied. Or didn't have their facts straight. Because the day was pristine! Well, it was bright and sunny, with clouds only up the hills and not really over the park, much. Which, for video, is NOT ideal. But for visitors to the park, it was perfect.

So anyway, after our usual Hawai`ian brekkie we headed up to Akaka Falls:

I'm still getting my head around the glidecam thing-o I got for specifically Akaka. Sitting here tonight, looking over the video and reaching for the Dramamine, it's not something for the weak-of tummy. I'll do you all a favour and not show any of it.

I'll be editing this to add piccies of Waipio and Kolekole Park, but the girls are itching to get out there... :)

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