Thursday 26 September 2013

I bet you are all wondering about the S word!

It dawned on me last night as I was laying in bed listening to the night sounds, I havent mentioned the S word once! and those crafters will be thinking is she out of her tiny mind! Well I have to admit it we did do some! I think Robin realised I would have to get it out of my system so on day 2 we took a drive to the local craft shop. unfortunately on this side of the island they are not big on crafting... however Walmart have a small craft section so I did purchase three 12 x 12 paper pads that I haven't seen before and they were only $5.00.  From there we went to Ben Franklin crafts and I picked up a few items but nothing exciting enough to write home about. Ross was our next stop and we all had some good buys there, Rob got 2 nice Hawaiian shirts and a pair of shorts, I got 3 tops and a pair of pjs, and a little something with Paris on, all for under $100!!!  Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE this place. so that's the skinny on the S word for now..  Aloha J xxx

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