Monday 30 September 2013

And then to Akaka Falls

These are a few pics from Akaka Falls, a place thats very special to Rob, Mum and I enjoyed sharing this place with him.

All of us at Akaka Falls
How cooling and refreshing

The falls themselves, hard to get perspective on the size but greater than the drop of Niagara falls

tiny tiny flower about the width of a fingernail

so many beautiful things to look at

Fuscia's growing in the wild

a local I met along the way

Pretty clear what he thought of me!

The BEST tour guide on the Big Island

She wasnt going to let anything stop her from seeing this

A true champion! Super effort Mum!

So as you can see it was a beautiful spot.  It only cost us $5.00 for all of us to enter the park. I was concerned that the walk would be too arduous for Mum, however she did the stairs!  YAY ..shes amazing, over 300 in all.... wasnt exactly a walk in the park for Robin and I so I can only applaud the super human effort from Mums knees.

Promise of new life

Wild purple orchid

Wild Orchid
so many beautiful ferns

Sunday 29 September 2013

More pics....

So I told you about the place where there was a market right? right at a place that was once known as Kalapana Beach, well I thought Rob was going to tell you about this place but he hasnt so I will. Back in the day(early 70's) when Robin lived here, he and his siblings would go surfing at this beach. In the 90's the volcano erupted and wiped out the beach, it is now huge lava fields... here are some pics

As far as the eye can see... Lava on which was once a beach

more and more

Hard to picture it being a beach isnt it? Rob took a long walk to the end of the lava field, about 1/4 mile and paddled in the sea. The sand on the beach is black, he just informed me he will be putting some video up soon.

Time to catch up....

Ok so its been a couple of days and im sorry i haven't blogged. We have been out and about, and have moved from the Hilo side of the island to the Kona Side.

So I am going to start with a few more pics of where we have been. You will remember the last time I blogged we had been out to Kalapana along the windy and beautiful tree lined lanes well here it is...

The long and Windy Road
Fruit for the picking

Princess Aunty Lilikoi of Hilo

Stopping at Mackenzie Park where we watched the surf.

The pictures do not capture the sheer beauty of this place 


Saturday 28 September 2013

A quick trip up to Volcano

I will be updating these pages with pictures, I promise. Julia is probably giving a faithful blow-by-blow of the day, so I might just share some observations.

The road up to Volcano is new(er), wide, fast and different from what I remember. We did see some side roads that took you to fragments of the Old Volcano Rd... and we did go along a bit of it. Something magical about those manicured grass roadsides... memories from "small-kid time". :)

The leeward-to-Halemaumau cauldron section of the crater rim road has been closed off, probably because people were getting sick from the fumes? dunno. But we did get over to Thurton Lava Tubes and the Kilauea Iki overview spot and took pictures and a bit of video. I'm having a few dramas with my lightworks video editing install so it might be a bit before I can get any more video editing but I'll put up what I can, anyway, which is snaps:

Friday 27 September 2013

The Hamakua

The weather report last night wasn't all too encouraging: rain-rain-showers-wet. All good -- it's Hawai`i at its best, but maybe a bit off-putting for those who like the sun peeking through from time to time.

But, they (weather folk) lied. Or didn't have their facts straight. Because the day was pristine! Well, it was bright and sunny, with clouds only up the hills and not really over the park, much. Which, for video, is NOT ideal. But for visitors to the park, it was perfect.

So anyway, after our usual Hawai`ian brekkie we headed up to Akaka Falls:

I'm still getting my head around the glidecam thing-o I got for specifically Akaka. Sitting here tonight, looking over the video and reaching for the Dramamine, it's not something for the weak-of tummy. I'll do you all a favour and not show any of it.

I'll be editing this to add piccies of Waipio and Kolekole Park, but the girls are itching to get out there... :)

Thursday 26 September 2013

I bet you are all wondering about the S word!

It dawned on me last night as I was laying in bed listening to the night sounds, I havent mentioned the S word once! and those crafters will be thinking is she out of her tiny mind! Well I have to admit it we did do some! I think Robin realised I would have to get it out of my system so on day 2 we took a drive to the local craft shop. unfortunately on this side of the island they are not big on crafting... however Walmart have a small craft section so I did purchase three 12 x 12 paper pads that I haven't seen before and they were only $5.00.  From there we went to Ben Franklin crafts and I picked up a few items but nothing exciting enough to write home about. Ross was our next stop and we all had some good buys there, Rob got 2 nice Hawaiian shirts and a pair of shorts, I got 3 tops and a pair of pjs, and a little something with Paris on, all for under $100!!!  Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE this place. so that's the skinny on the S word for now..  Aloha J xxx

Today? chillin'

The first evening here in Keaau, I was pretty-much a non-starter, made an early mark (just after dark). The party girls had a bit of Bailey's and soon found their eyelids growing heavy... it wasn't just the Bailey's, either. It had been a rather warm day and stayed warm well into the evening.

Largely because of my dodgy back, I found myself up at 4am. I went outside... it had rained in the night - the sound of the rain magnified by the classic tin roof - so when I reached the bottom of the driveway, I found myself sloshing through a puddle. The smell brought back memories of paper-route in the dark. Puna District has that particular smell, probably because of the rockiness of the ground, even now, forty years later. There may be a bit more traffic along the Keaau-Pahoa road - well, sheesh, it's wall-to-wall on certain times of the day! - but otherwise it smells just like it always smelled, whether you're in the Pana`ewa forest or near Hawai`ian Paradise Park, which is where we're staying.

Our host - who SO could write a tutorial on how to do AirBnB right - had generously provided us with belgian waffles and fresh papaya. He had even given us home-made Coconut syrup to go on the waffles.
Really nice!
Anyway, I had my usual rolled-oats/chia seeds with coconut milk - I was trying to recover from a couple of days of naughty eating and feeling fairly ordinary from lack of sleep and sinuses, so I passed on the waffles, as tempting as they were. The smell of the papayas brought back memories of that first day in the Islands as kids trying papaya for the first time. It was at Onekahakaha Park, as I recall. We weren't impressed by the flavour, not at all. Tried to modify it by sprinkling rolled oats on it, which didn't work.

I still don't care for papaya. Which is unfortunate, as they are excellent nutritionally, so I'm told.

Today, we're chillin', as Katie Wild would say. We spent a gras matinée working on this blog, doing a bit of video and watching the odd shower pass through. Our lovely host popped in to show Brenda and me a Magic Berry (fruit? not sure) about the size and colour of a just-ripe coffee bean pre-roast. You suck off the skin and at the pulp for a bit: it isn't bad at all. Then, go ahead and enjoy the tangiest lemon, or tartest lilikoi (Hawai`ian for passion-fruit) ... sweet-as! Morris reckons that the Aboriginals (Aussie) know of this plant -- possibly might exist in Oz -- but in any event, it so makes sour... sweet.

Think I need to consume a LOT of this one!

So, plant life in Keaau? Pretty much like this...

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Did I say how much I LOVE this place?

 Today was a late start with a beautiful breakfast of waffles and coconut syrup ( home made by our hosts ) Fresh pawpaw and lime from the garden. Oh my I am loving pawpaw, for 50 something years I have never liked it, but something about them here I just adore! Guava and orange juice with lilikoi  ( pashionfruit ) set us in the Hawaiian mood, so many bird calls to listen to in the grounds and perfect Hawaii weather, humid but not too hot.  Robin and Nanny went exploring the gardens while I had another nap. They picked fruit saw all the beautiful herbs and vegetables growing in the garden.

After lunch of turkey and avocado sandwiches ( again from the garden... not the turkey.. the biggest you have ever seen) we headed out for a drive to explore the sights of the Puna District, Robins local area from his teenage years. The drive was exquisite small country lane with beautiful big trees creating a canopy as they grew against the sea breeze for years. to see the wild ginger growing along the roadside in full bloom was delightful as was seeing the wild orchids growing besides them. Laden bread fruit trees and Lilikoi vines were everywhere, all there for the picking. Thousand of pawpaw trees and guava trees.... is this paradise or what?

We stopped at a beautiful beachside park Robin used to go to named MacKenzie Park, we watched the sea crashing against the Lava Rocks. We saw intrepid fishermen balancing on the rocks with their rods and Mum an I agreed that Dad would have been in his element there. The only other visitors in the park were an old guy and his dog, looked like they were staying the night, his pick up loaded with all his worldly possessions, and a little camp fire going. The dog raised his head as we walked past, but couldnt be bothered barking aloha... The other visitors a couple traveling around in an old beat up van, the lady in a wheelchair, her companion pushed her to the rock edge and let her sit there looking out to sea while he sat in the shade.

We drove on down the lane some more to a place called Kalapana, Robin had often talked about this spot, I knew it held some cherished memories of him surfing out there with his sister Esther, and his brothers Martin, Kurt and Ken. I will let Rob tell you some more when  he does his next post.

When we got to Kalapana to our delight we found out that there was a gathering of the locals going on... it happens every Wednesday night, There is a little market going on there, with some locally made products and lots of produce to sell. A huge eating area where people sit together and chat and share some of the food they have either purchased there or made themselves... it was great to sit among them. I got talking to one of the locals while I was waiting for Rob to come back from parking the car, she told me that the food available was to die for! we couldnt wait to get inside!... so many local foods to try!  We settled for some Barbecue pork and Ribs.... I was thankful that we only got one plate between us! The serving was in true American style  HUGE.

One of the highlights of the market was looking at the Orchids one young man was selling. I have never seen so many gorgeous colours in one plant store. My oh my they were stunning.... I would have loved to have been able to buy one for mum but of course that wasn't an option... so I did the best next thing and took lots of photos and purchased an Orchid Lei for her ( dont tell her it was only $3 )  I figured it was just what Dad would have done for her!
Isn't she just beautiful... I called her Princess Lilikoi

Sitting amongst the locals while Robin walked and did some filming, I couldn't help noticing that so many of them would have been his age...  probably people who would hang loose on those beaches at the same time as he and his siblings... all the guys had long hair ( grey of course ) some with bald spots and ponytails..... and the lady's had long time ago given up wearing bras, fashion was not important, and their hair had not  seen the inside of a hairdressers for decades, but they were all Happy... I wonder if I could ever fit in here? hmmmmmm   food for thought.

On the way home light was fading fast and so we made it barely with enough daylight left to do a drive by the house that Robin used to live in.  It was a bit hard to see as it was set off from the road, and the trees that Robin planted as a young man blocked a lot of the view....

What an amazing Day.... we felt totally immersed in the Hawaiian culture and surroundings... the day ends with us having a glass of wine and listening to the frogs and night creatures... peace and bliss surrounds us.

I will post pictures I promise!

Falling for Hawaii

How as I to know that on my second day in hawaii I would be in the arms of a big stronge Hawaiian.!Whilst walking along the rocks looking at the ocean I thought  would get a better view from a bit higher up.....well I didn't, instead I was looking up at the sky thru the bushes, Julia called for help and a big kindly man came to my aid, calling as he ran towards me I'm here, I'm here. After making sure I was okay he went back to the car, then his friend an even bigger man came to see me and asked if he could pray for me......he  did and it amazingly the only thing  wrong (beside my pride) was a bit of skin taken off my arm.....!
When we arrived home Robin dressed it for me and Humpty Dumpty is back together again.

Love and Alohas to everyone

Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii,,some of you who followed our blog last year may remember we spent a week on the Big Island on the Kona side on our holiday last year.  We only got to spend one day over on Hilo side which is where Robin spent his teenage years.He had so many places to show us and stories to tell, it could not be done one rainy day, we decided this time round we would have longer... so here we are....

I had a better flight than Rob, I couldnt wait for the cabin lights to go out and get some sleep, which I did about 6 hours..YAY... I think that weekend before we left just wiped me of the last bit of energy I had to give...

Touching down in Honolulu and catching a connecting flight was very quick, thanks to Robins American passport enabling us to fast track customs and Immigration.  We were soon in Hilo. by 2pm we were at our accommodation and being warmly greeted by our host Morris.

I found this gem of a place on and what an amazing find. We have a large 2 bedroom house with everything you can think of supplied...I will take pictures later.

After we settled in we took a drive to get some supplies, found a great little fusion restaurant, Vietnamese, Chinese and Thai, main meals under $9.00 ! the food was amazingly good.  ( i have been reading up on the restaurants that the locals use ).  Picked up a bottle of Baileys for $13 and 6 bottles of guiness for $9.00 and we wuz Haaaaapy.

Rob went to bed at 6pm and Mum and I kept each other awake till 9pm,  It was a comedy as one would wake the other one up only to be woken up by the other 5 mins later... we were determined to stay awake till a reasonable time.... we had a HUGE glass of Baileys each ( why woulnt you at that price!) and called it a night... I slept till 9 the next morning, the other two not so good.... sweet alohas everyone.... Julia

First Days on The Big Island

Oh, to have young bones, again. It's only a nine + hour flight from Brisbane QLD to Honolulu but for some reason this one felt like forever. The first thing you feel getting off the plane is humid -- it's Hawaii's way of saying "Welcome Home": you're immediately enveloped in the warm embrace of moistened air, telling you it's time to slow down.

You can't help it: you slow down. "Ehhh, 'at's how!" :)

But you folks don't want to be reading my tripe... you wanna see dee peec-cha (pictures) so okay, here you go:
Hamakua Coast from Onekahakaha Park, south of Hilo
An Incredible Welcome

Pawpaws from this tree (I think)

The host was as welcoming as the setting

The coastline, Hilo-side, is fairly rocky

Two beauties I discovered sitting amongst the lava
Another gorgeous day in the tropics