Tuesday 1 October 2013

Julia'a Pics from Volcano...

This was an amazing experience visiting the Volcano.  I will let the pictures tell the story....

Brenda with the active Volcano in the background

A walk past one of these steam vents and you felt like you had a steam bath..very very hot

Killauea Iki Crater.  people were actually walking across it, they looked like ants in comparison.

One of the things i couldn't wait to see was the Lava tube, it was deliciously cool in there on a hot Hawaiian day. These are pics of the walk to it and the entrance

This was a very steep decline and sadly was too much for Mum to be able to tackle, so she sat and chatted with another tourist.

Inside that black hole is a cave!

And that is what a lava tube looks like! on the inside.

Walking back to meet Mum the walk was hard and we were so pleased she didn't tackle it... although the scenery was beautiful...

So that was Friday taken care of... another great day sharing some special places with Robin and Mum.

That evening we went out for dinner, it was our last night in Hilo, tomorrow we were driving to the other side of the island.

We drove a few miles to a tiny little town named Pahoa... population about 30... actually in the last census there were about 900 people... they must have all been in bed when we were there. I am looking at real estate here! boy there are some bargains to be had.!

I didnt take any pictures a the restaurant but the food was GOOD....  Rob had a chicken curry, Mum a  chicken stir fry and I couldn't resist the local fish.... and for desert we had banana spring rolls, oooh so good, bananas sprinkled with cinnamon wrapped in spring roll paper and deep fried.... oh and home made icecream.... I can feel the weight going back on...

here is the website for the restaurant.. Restaurant
Perfect way to finish the Hilo side vacation... and now to pack

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